How to Make an Appointment

General Public


Prior to your appointment with us, please take the time to complete this form so we have all the pertinent information we need to be able to treat your pet appropriately. While we strive to work with your regular veterinarian to provide cohesive and comprehensive care for your pet, we do understand that there are circumstances that may prohibit you getting a referral from your regular veterinarian, i. e. their office is closed, you cannot get a response, they are not able to see you that day. 

Given that ocular emergencies can be quite urgent, we will see your pet without a direct referral from your regular veterinarian in these circumstances.  Please contact us by phone at (336) 522-6780 or email at [email protected] to schedule an appointment. 

Referring Veterinarians

We know you are busy, and we would like to make the referral process as flawless and flexible as possible for you.  We want to work with you to provide superior care to your clients and patients.  So, we are offering you the option to refer in multiple ways:

  1. You can refer online by filling out this form and connecting the patient’s medical records. 
  2. You can email us ([email protected]) the medical records and the client’s contact information and we will call them to schedule an appointment.
  3. You can call us at (336) 522-6780 to make a referral.  If you would like to speak to Dr. Sigle when making the referral she will be happy to speak with you.
  4. You can have the client call us at (336) 522-6780 to make an appointment.  If you wish to have the client call us directly, emailing us the medical records at [email protected] prior to the appointment would be greatly appreciated.